Edit fieldnotes

Find and edit previous fieldnotes by title.

These fieldnotes will be updated each time you add, edit, delete or move a section.

Create fieldnotes
Field trip

If your field trip is supported by iNaturalist observations, an iNaturalist search will populate these fields for you.


A title, author, date and place are all required to create, or edit, fieldnotes.

Field journal sections
To add observations and species photos, you must first run an iNaturalist search.
You can create multiple sections of each type, and change their order.
Fieldnotes status (public/private)

Your fieldnotes are currently:

If you set your fieldnotes to private, they will no longer viewable by others.

You can read and write private and public fieldnotes when you are logged in.

Export fieldnotes

Export your fieldnotes to file in the JSON format.

Delete fieldnotes

When you delete fieldnotes, you will no longer have access to them.

If you wish to recover them, please contact the site owner at Recover deleted fieldnotes.
